“To preserve and enhance patriotism and education”
- Boy Scouts
- The Pledge of Allegiance
- Establishment-Clause Lawsuits

Flag Protection & Advocacy
It is the duty of our Post to use our knowledge, and experience to equip our community through Americanism programs that teach respect for our country and our nation’s flag. Patriotism is learned by seeing it in action. Patriotism is rooted in our character by practicing it throughout our lives.

Immigration and Naturalization
During their time in the U.S. military, Legionnaires served all over the world to ensure their fellow citizens’ safety. They have witnessed poverty, political instability, disease and war in other countries. They have a unique perspective on the threat that open borders present, a basis for The American Legion’s stance on illegal immigration. The Legion opposes illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens, but fully supports opportunities for legal immigration.

Voter Registration and Participation
The American Legion connects good government with active citizen participation in the electoral process. American Legion posts throughout the country offer their services and facilities to enable voter registration and promote turnout at the polls. Posts also provide facilities and opportunities for nonpartisan voter-education forums and debates.

Boy Scouts
The American Legion connects good government with active citizen participation in the electoral process. American Legion posts throughout the country offer their services and facilities to enable voter registration and promote turnout at the polls. Posts also provide facilities and opportunities for nonpartisan voter-education forums and debates.
SCHOOL MEDAL AWARDS — Under the National Americanism Commission, The American Legion conducts many programs to foster knowledge and respect among young people about our nation and its institutions. Students showing the highest qualities of citizenship are recognized with an American Legion School Medal Award. In the 1995-96 reporting year, more than 33,000 boys and girls in elementary, junior, and senior high schools were recognized for their commitment to honor, courage, scholarship, leadership, and service.
EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE — Thousands of high school students benefit from the Legion’s yearly publication Need a Lift? Praised by educators as the most complete and timely handbook available on loan, scholarship, and career opportunities for high school students, Need a Lift? provides an annual financial road map for college-bound students. More than 24,000 guidance offices in private and public high schools receive copies of the booklet, which are mailed free-of-charge to schools by The American Legion. Sample copies are sent to local Legion posts where they are distributed to local libraries and youth-service organizations. Individuals can order a copy of Need a Lift? for $3 from The American Legion, National Emblem Sales, P.O. Box 1050, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46206.
THE SAMSUNG AMERICAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIP — A $5 million endowment to establish a scholarship program for descendants of American war veterans was announced in July 1995 by Samsung, Korea’s largest corporation. The scholarship program will be administered by The American Legion. Twelve scholarships were awarded in 1999 to students involved in American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State programs.
THE AMERICAN LEGION BOYS STATE AND BOYS NATION — At the state level, 49 Departments of The American Legion host The American Legion Boys State programs each summer for outstanding high school juniors. Nearly 28,000 young men were sponsored by local American Legion Posts to attend the week-long government education program last year. Two outstanding leaders from each Department Boys State program are selected to attend The American Legion Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. There, they learn the mechanics of the federal government by role-playing as senators and representatives in a complex dual-party system. President Bill Clinton, representing Arkansas at The American Legion Boys Nation before his senior year in high school, met then-President John F. Kennedy in 1963 through the program. The American Legion Auxiliary conducts parallel programs for young women through Girls State and Girls Nation.
JUNIOR SHOOTING SPORTS — The American Legion recognizes that guns are a part of sports and recreation in our society and strives to teach youngsters the proper use of firearms before accidents occur. Many local Posts sponsor Junior Shooting Clubs which provide training in gun safety and marksmanship for students ages 14 through 20. The Legion hosts an annual national air rifle tournament that draws more than 1,200 contestants annually.
AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL — More than 95,000 players and 16,000 coaches compete in American Legion Baseball every year. Since the program began in 1925, youngsters have been able to develop their physical fitness and learn good sportsmanship while honing their baseball skills. Champions from the state level meet on the national level in a competitive but good-spirited battle for The American Legion World Series crown. Today, more than 60 percent of all professional baseball players and 40 retired professionals enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame, are former American Legion Baseball players. In the 1998-99 reporting year, Legion Posts around the country spent more than $11 million to sponsor 5,200 baseball teams.
ORATORICAL CONTEST — Each year thousands of high school students gain a deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution and share that knowledge with a vast audience through the American Legion High School Oratorical Contest. Hundreds of students win scholarship awards at the Post level for speeches that explore the substance and meaning of the Constitution. Winners from the Post level can advance through district, state, and national competitions. The three national finalists compete for scholarships ranging from $14,000 to a top prize of $18,000.
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA — The American Legion adopted The Boy Scouts of America program at the Legion’s first annual national convention in 1919. Early on, The American Legion recognized the opportunity to build patriotic attitudes and strong moral character among youths through the Scouting program, and Legionnaires continue to support the organization today. American Legion Posts sponsor more than 2,500 Scout units and 77,000 Scouts at an annual cost of $1.9 million. Each Post is encouraged to nominate a local Eagle Scout for The American Legion’s Eagle Scout of the Year award and an $10,000 college scholarship. Three runners-up receive scholarships of $2,500 each.
The 2001 Eagle Scout of the Year Application will be available from this site in April, using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. These applications will be due to the Department (State) Headquarters no later than March 1st. Contact your Department Headquarters concerning additional processing information of the applications.
UNIFORMED GROUPS — Last year, American Legion Posts spent $2.7 million sponsoring drill teams, color guards, and marching groups, all of which brought spectacle and color to local events around the country. The finest Legion bands in the nation vie for top honors in the annual American Legion Concert Band Competition held at the National Convention.
LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS — To assist young men and women in continuing their education beyond high school, local American Legion Posts gave more than $3.6 million in scholarships during the 1995-96 reporting year.